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A Company Grounded in the History of Superior Service, Quality Products & Family Tradition.​​

     In 1946, a young man returned to Iowa from the war with little else but an old uniform and a determination to excel. He started working for Gamble Corporation selling home improvements and furnishings.  Almost immediately he proved to have a decorator's eye and a selfless dedication to customer service that made him a star in the company.

     Within three years he had become the number one sales person in the country. The company offered him his dream promotion in California. Now he was faced with the most difficult choice of his life-ride the career fast track with a national company far from home or dedicate himself to his new wife and a ready-made family of boys in Iowa. He chose the latter.

     That man's name was Clif Sweeney-my father; and for thirty years, he dedicated himself to running a small, very successful family-run home improvement company. His recipe for success was simple:

            1. Represent only the finest products and services possible.

            2  Have an unbending allegiance to excellence and

               customer satisfaction.


     Dad included me in his business whenever possible, often taking me on appointments with him.  I apparently showed an interest and aptitude for interior design at an early age and my father was determined to feed this interest. So, thanks to him, by the time I graduated from high school, I had a wealth of

knowledge of the business to match many a veteran. I've added a good deal to that knowledge since then.

     Dad has been gone for many years and life has changed in, oh, so many ways. However, I always remember what my father said so long ago..."I ONLY DO BUSINESS WITH NEIGHBORS AND NEIGHBORS DESERVE THE BEST!" 

     Thanks Dad!





















Renovating Your Home is Exciting! But Remember-Not All Products and Services Are The Same! In 2016,

The Small Business Administration stated that 97% of home remodeling companies went out of business within 5 Years. In addition, companies related to home improvements generated more complaints than any other industry.

The leading cause of complaints were Building Supply Liquidators, Big Box Retailers and Large Contractors.

That's Why We Are Different!

  1. YOU CAN TRUST US. We've spent decades representing only Products & Services that have proven themselves for Year Upon Year as THE Quality Leaders. If there is ever a service or warranty issue-They Fix It. PERIOD.

  2. YOU CAN CHALLENGE US. Over 85% of our business is by referral and 98% of our clients rate us as an A+!.

  3. YOU CAN COUNT ON US. We are a small, quality firm who work only with clients within about 15 miles of where we live. With a typical contractor or big box store, you mostly deal with salespeople who have minimal training, could care less about you or your project and you will never see again. With us, you are being Counselled by  an industry veteran who cares deeply about you and your home and is committed to helping you in any way possible. WE ONLY DO BUSINESS WITH NEIGHBORS AND NEIGBORS DESERVE THE BEST! 

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